Topos theory: sheaf cohomology
Seminar Details
đź•’ Time: 15:15 - 17 on Mondays
đź“Ť Location: BBG - 005
Supervisors: LĂ©onard Guetta & Ieke Moerdijk
Preliminary Syllabus
This is a preliminary list of topics that we might cover during the seminar. It will be adapted depending on the advancement throughout the semester.
- Presheaves on small categories
- Sites and Grothendieck topologies
- Sheaves of Sets, abelian groups (or R-Mod)
- Sheafification
- Exactness properties on categories of sheaves
- Definition of a Topos and characterizations
- Examples of Topos
- Morphisms of toposes and morphisms of sites
- Points of a topos, flat functors
- Topos with enough points
- *Open and closed subtoposes
- *(Compact,) connected and locally connected toposes
Homological Algebra
- Abelian categories
- Homology of (co)chain complexes in Abelian categories
- Short exact sequences and long induced sequence in (co)homology
- Exact functors and derived functors
- Injective and projective resolutions
- F-acyclic resolutions and double chain complex lemma
Cohomology of Sheaves
- Category of pre-sheaves always have enough projectives and injectives
- Category of sheaves always have enough injectives
- Cohomology of sheaves as a derived functor
- *Homology in the case of pre-sheaves toposes
- Locality of sheaf cohomology \((H^{\bullet}(U,F)\simeq H^{\bullet}(X/U,F|U))\)
Comparison with Other Cohomology Theories
- Flabby, soft, and fine sheaves
- De Rham co-homology for smooth manifolds
- Singular co-homology for locally contractible top. spaces
- (Co)homology of groups and small categories
- (Co)homology of a simplicial set X as the (co)homology of \(\widehat{(\Delta/X)}\)
More Sheaf Cohomology
- ÄŚech cohomology, comparison with sheaf cohomology
- Hyper-coverings
- Torsors and geometrical interpretation of \(H^1\)
Topos Theory
- Johnstone, Topos Theory
- Kashiwara & Shapira, Categories and Sheaves
- MacLane & Moerdijk, Sheaves in Geometry and Logic
- Artin, Grothendieck Topologies
- Grothendieck et al., SGA4
- de Jong, Stacks Project
- Moerdijk, Classifying Spaces and Classifying Topoi
Sheaves on Topological Spaces
- Dimca, Sheaves in Topology
- Godement, Théorie des faisceaux et topologie algébrique
- Bredon, Sheaf Theory
- Kashiwara & Shapira, Sheaves on Manifolds
- Swan, The Theory of Sheaves
Homological Algebra
- Moerdijk, Notes on homological algebra
- Kashiwara & Shapira, Categories and Sheaves
- Weibel, An Introduction to Homological Algebra
- Gelfand & Manin, Methods of Homological Algebra
Weekly Topics
Week | Date | Speaker | Topic |
0 | 03/02 | LĂ©onard Guetta | Introduction and overview |
1 | 11/02 | Maarten de Groot | Grothendieck topologies, sheaves on a site |
2 | 17/02 | Valentijn van der Land | Sheafification and categories of sheaves
Lecture notes (with homework) |
3 | 24/02 | Anton Odina | Definition of Topos and characterizations |